Live the journey of life

Life is all about confidence or self confidence read the thought above quote its' true isn't it try to imagine you without confidence write your views in comment....
if i imagine my life without self confidence or confidence it would be as same as a body without soul......
This is another quote which is also one of the pages of book called 'life' many times it happens with us that we live for others or according to others them there is no need to prove anyone that who you are and what you need to do..... if you would like please share your views in the comment section below...
Many times it happens that one tries to show that they are the most perfect/organised it teaches another lesson that you are to be real be what you are. we need to understand that no one in this entire world is perfect , it the another precious lesson that our life teaches to us...

After reading this quote you may or may not be thinking that  how thoughts , it is also on us if you would have positive thoughts you see that kinda happiness would be there because positivity is the path to happiness......

Sometimes it happens with us that if the last day something bad happens the next day we always think about it probably the whole day... so we should not do that we should always take everyday as a new beginning and start with full motivation..
Many times it happens that some people always think negative , please try to understand that negative thought gives nothing but just sadness...this is also a true reality of life..

What do you observe in this picture?
we should always be grateful of what we have and be happy find happiness in the smallest of the things ..

It happens with some people that write diary sometime if their day would be not good they do'nt write it .... we should store all the memories good and also bad both because both teaches us a lesson....

See life is too small enjoy it...

On this note i take leave..
-Hetavi Dangi 


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